Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 1

Yesterday we found out that Regina's tumor is not responding to the current chemotherapy that has been perscribed by her Doctor, in fact the scan has shown some growth.  This was not well received news as you could imagine, but as Regina stated to the Doctor it doesn't mean we have to give up, "I still want to fight this thing!", she said.  We are not giving up there are two options another round of the "Big Guns" Chemotherapy of test drugs.  Regina has choosen the Big Gun therapy for now.  This means we have to go and get a port put in again to allow for the long doses that the (Taxotere, Cisplatin and Flourouracil) require.  We are in agreement around our house that "CANCER SUCKS", yes I am aware that I may offend some by that statement but it is just as close to the truth as we can get.  Somehow, inhales with great force, is just too many words and doesn't quite have the same emphatic tone.  BUT more importantly we are all in agreement that "God is God and we are not", "That God is still on the throne and very much in control". In fact this has come as no surprise to Him.  Even though we may not understand meaning for the things God does, our job is to do a Romans 5:3-5 and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that the suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope... in order to perservere you must train for battle.  We now know why we have been sifted for the past few years, it was to get us ready to edure this and have the character that gives us and others hope in Jesus' love for us.

I say this knowing it's not, and hasn't, been easy.  But God's grace has always been sufficent, and God's people have ministered to us in ways beyond measure.  We still believe that God can choose to heal her here on earth or in heaven for all eternity, whichever He decides.  Waiting on this does not change the fact that we praise Him while we are waiting.  We look forward to the opportunities that we get to share our Faith in Jesus Christ to others.  We still covet all of your prayers as they are needed and felt.  Speciffically pray for the wisdom of the doctors, to know what to do and haw to procede.  Pray for me that God give me the wisdom to choose what is best for Regina.  Pray for the family as this raises many questions and affects all parts of their lives.  Pray for Regina as she needs to remain hopeful and seek God's will.  Finally, pray for peace, the kind found in Philippians.  God Bless.  Until next time.


  1. Kevin, you creating this blog as a way to communicate with all of us is affirmation that you recognize how many people care for your family. You do have a big family of those who love you all. Thank you for sharing this walk of faith with us. May God give each one of us what we need to reveal His glory in this. Peace, Mercy, Grace,...Michele

  2. Writing down your specific prayer needs now, praying as well of course for healing and strength for endurance for all, but specifically you and Regina. Love you guys, Holly and Bill
