Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh how He loves us

Looking back 29 years ago this week, after I stalked a girl in a friends yearbook (this is what the kids say anyway), I called my future wife to be for the first time to ask her out.

It all happened something like this.  Yes, I did see Regina's picture in his yearbook while at his house.  He was on the phone with his girlfriend and I was consuming a beverage.  I asked if he knew her, he said yes, I said get me her phone number, I want to ask her out.  It took it took my friend weeks of  asking and asking for her phone number before he finally produced it, maybe it was because I told him he would be sweeping nails and screws up for the next ten weeks if he didn't.  We were working at Sutherland's Lumber Company and I was being groomed to into management training and Jay would be too someday, maybe, if he could graduate.  I was still new to the area didn't know lots of people, because we had just moved to Texas only four months ago.  Most of the people I was meeting at the appetiser bar during "Happy Hour", usually not marriage material, 'mind you this was BC.  So, once I got the phone number, I now have to get the nerve up to call her, I pick up the phone several times and just can't dial.  But, finally God must have nudged my fingers to make that call.  I had arranged for Jay and his girlfriend to come on a double date with us on the 29th of October, but I couldn't wait that long I asked for to get something to eat after the Conroe vs. McCullough (The Woodlands High now).  She was in the band, first flute but she played the piccolo for marching band.  I had the advantage because she didn't know what I looked like, lucky for me.  I saw her, and will never forget how when she smiled her eyes would light up and you couldn't turn away they just drew you in, much like I imagine know that Jesus' eyes would draw people to Him.  Regina was saved, I could see in her eyes the love that only Jesus gives.  I was exposed and wanting, but unwilling to surrender.  I know 29 years ago as I just sat and starred at her as she talked she thought I was a freak.  That's right October 22, 1982, sitting in the JoJo's Restaurant on I-45 and FM1960, was our first date. 

Today, I see the plan that God put in place and I wonder why would He might let it end?  Why does He need her so bad and leave my heart breaking?  Why am I to be left to raise the kids without the very person that, because our love we were blessed with them?  And then I remember God's promises, though they sound unbelievable to some, they are a stumbling block for many, and they are counter cultural to the rest of the world.  "That He is God and I am not"  Yes, I would miss here if ..., but if God chooses to have her, than He can because she belongs to Him.  I am thankful for the woman she has become, a true reflection of Christ: Never has she met a stranger, never has she not had the time to listen to your pains, never has she been unwilling to help.  No, not perfect, by any means, she can  find just the  right buttons to push to get me in an uproar, but we will always make-up before we go to sleep.  Our relationship is different to most but it is her constant prod that has helped grow me into me. Christ has done and continues to do such great work in our lives.  I look forward to the minutes, days maybe even years that I have to serve Him with Regina by my side. 

Wrapping up for now just wanted you to know this journey started some 40+ years ago when God formed us in each of our mothers wombs, that he would orchestrate or meeting, our lives and yes even our departure.  Regina has been doing very well these past few days with lots of visitors.  She is still fighting to live as many days as she can and I pray that God gives here enough good ones to have meaningful conversations with her kids and yes even me.  I LOVE HER so much, and would trade and take this from her, but it is not my place, but I will serve her as Christ commands in his word whatever her need.

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Loved the story on how you guys met and continuing to pray for God's peace and love to be poured out on you guys and the kids!
