Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Path

Sometimes in life you don't know the answer and sometimes you don't want to here the answer, but trust there is always an answer.  The same goes for prayer:,we pray to God often with our prayers and He answers.  Yes He answers not always the answer we want so we keep praying(thinking maybe I didn't ask right or I just need more faith in what I am praying for) for God to answer our prayers.  Prayer is for us to communicate with God our Creator, it not like Santa Claus, its not to be about our wish list but His (the Creator's) wish list.  The fact that he wants us to live every moment choosing God, rather than not God.  It's a time, no doubt, that we bring our petitions to the Lord, but not seeking our will to be done but His will to be done.  Prayer is an opportunity for us to grow into what God desires for us.  We pray for Regina's complete healing even still. 

This leads me to tell everyone who reads this that the Doctors at MD Anderson have told us that there is nothing else left for them to do, they cannot treat the tumor aggressively with a trach in place, meaning no more Chemo, no more Radiation and no more Surgery.  With this now the situation we have decided that it is best for Regina to come home, to help us through we have called in Hospice Care to help. Understand that Hospice is here now to help care for Regina's comfort not hurry in natural process along.  Also, understand that we still believe that God can choose to heal Regina.  But whether God chooses to heal her here or in heaven she will be healed and our prayers have been answered.  We have always asked for God's will to be done, and it has not always the way we pictured but still it's His will.  I'll write more when I can.  Have to go for now.

God Bless 

1 comment:

  1. Seems like nothing to say it and it's all I can say, God Bless you...each of you, in the Name above All other names, Jesus, Our Healer, Our Peace, Our Strength, God bless. Amen.
