Wednesday, November 2, 2011

24 hour nursing care

Wednesday evening about to leave work and go to mid-week worship. I truly enjoy spending time with these people. I have laughed, cryed, prayed, witness, worshipped and learned how to be a true servant of God with these folks. Many of you are commenting on the blog and that is great. Some of you may not be able to come and wish her a happy "Graduation" and I understand, but I promise I will read these comments to here. Regina
is now on 24 hour nursing care to administer medication and allow us to be a family. No it doesn't make things easier, just adds a new challenge. Have you ever tried to sleep in your bed and someone you just met is sitting across the room watching. "I don't sleep very well!" to say the least. What does all this mean people are asking? The fact is Regina's body is indeed declining. She will be with us as long as God allows and not a minute longer. You see we are not giving up on the fact that God may still heal her we believe that HE can. But, just as Jesus did in the garden, "Not my will but your will" You see I want what is the BEST for Regina and so does God. So my prayers have changed a little; now I pray for comfort, peace, contintment and most of all for rest.

AS FAR AS Harrison: he is fine, went back to school today and I am sure he's tired. I am sure he is tired of telling the story of how it happened. Enjoy the pictures. Before surgery and After with pins in place.


  1. Kevin I pray you get the peace and rest you need.I hope Harrison keeps doing great and heals fast. I will see yall on Friday

  2. You, Regina, and the kids are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Will continue to pray for comfort, peace, contentment, and rest. Tell Regina I love her and let her know my mother continues to pray for her and sends her love too.

  3. I pray for you guys and especially Regina ,ultiple times a day. Leighton and I are back at moms while bill is traveling. Please call me if anything comes up and you need someone, L will be just fine here if you need me. Love you guys all so much! Had dinner with a couple of friends last night and I was talking about y'all and one of them asked if we could just stop and pray for you guys. It was so nice to do, openly and publicly pray with others. One of them had met you guys at our Christmas party a couple years ago and the other is a cancer survivor herself. And, of course, we are all wives and mothers. We are all here for you guys, in prayer and what ever you may need. Love y'all

  4. Praying for you daily. We have so many fond memories of you both. Wishing you peace and comfort, Regina.

  5. I live for those who love me,
    Whose hearts are kind and true;
    For the Heaven that smiles above me,
    And awaits my spirit too;
    For all human ties that bind me,
    For the task by God assigned me,
    For the bright hopes yet to find me,
    And the good that I can do

  6. I continue to pray for Regina, you and the kids. If there is anything I can do, just let me know.

  7. Dear Regina, this is Margie McBride. Thank you for being YOU. Thank you for all the laughs and wonderful memories of youth camp at Alto Frio. Thank you for being a great friend in highschool. You always found a way to make me feel special. When I think of you all I can see is that beautiful blonde hair and your big smile. You are loved!

  8. monika (rondem) mortonNovember 6, 2011 at 2:49 PM

    peace and strength to you and your family, kevin. from an old bus-riding, swim team neighbor of regina's... let the love flow to all of you.

  9. Hi Regina,

    This is Sherry Bennett Jemison. My heart is filled with wonderful memories of you and Doug from ORBC and school. You both always made me smile and are my favorite twins! Mom keeps me posted on your progress as she hears it from church. I am praying for you and your precious family. With Love,

  10. Continually praying for Regina, you & your whole family! Praying for God's peace and comfort. We love you!! Steve & Sheila

    2 Corinthians 1:3
    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort...

  11. Regina, This is Kim Donnelly Portwood. I often think of going to High School and Oak Ridge with you and Doug. Those are such great memories. I remember you playing in the band with my sister Tricia. It sounds like you have such a great husband and family, I am proud. We will pray for you-please be strong. You are loved. Kim
