This month is the month I have been on edge about for weeks. It has now been six months, on June 9th, since Regina left us to spend the rest of eternity with Christ, and I know that even if she could she would not return and I don't blame her. This month, on the 18th, would also have been our 24th wedding anniversary. On top of all of that on the 21st the twins have been with us for a decade, what a blessing all this has been. Our oldest Katie just reached a huge milestone after graduating High School and plans to stay home and attend the local College taking her basic courses with hopes of being an Occupational Therapist one day.
I say what a blessing it has all been and yes I really do mean it, we have been blessed by friends and family that let the memory of Regina live on. We have been blessed by a church that ministers to our emotional needs. And most importantly we have been given enough grace and strength from the mighty God we serve to endure and persevere. Yes, there are struggles and we are not over the loss by all means, but we go on looking for opportunities to serve and be used of God. There are days that I don't have the emotional energy to get out of bed, but for God's grace. There are days that I could send all of my kids off to military school because I just can't take it any more, but for God's grace. There are days that I don't want to go to work, but for God's grace. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to endure and yes I still get sad when I pass through the house and see the wall of crosses that Regina had collected over the years, the pictures of her in the house and even writing these words are painful but necessary. So, as you can see I am not saying blessing is without heartache, I am saying that through the heartache I have received blessing beyond measure. Thank you all for your support and thank you Jesus for enduring all the pain and suffering perfectly allowing me to see that through it all I can worship you.
For those of you that read my blog it is not to late for you to receive this same grace that was poured out to me because it was poured out to all that
"Call on his name to be saved." It is difficult to believe that Christ can do this for us before we place our faith and trust in Him, but when you do I can promise that He is faithful and true. He can calm your every fear. Take away your every hurt. He can and will forgive all the things that you have ever done wrong. Don't let Satan steal your joy for he is evil and
"ready to devour" you,
"he has come "to steal and kill and destroy." But Jesus said,
"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly." Jesus laid down His life so that we also can overcome the sin and death to live in eternity with Him. I can think of no greater love than that and you can have this same security to live forever with Jesus by admiting you are sinner and believing that Jesus is and did what the Bible said He did and finally confessing that because you are a sinner you want to accept this free gift, that cost you nothing-Him everything, and want to submit and serve Him for the rest of your life. If you do this in your heart the Bible says you are saved and the next time the Devil reminds you of your past be sure are remind him of his future. I love each and every one of you that take the time to read the words that I have written but that love pales in comparison to the love that God has for you. You are, we are HIS creation.
Finally, keep the Carlton's in you prayers as we endure this month. Also, lift up my cousin Lori and the many others that are in a battle with this evil we call cancer. And pray that I can find a way and the finances that I could get to Indiana soon to witness my faith in Jesus' healing power to her and her family as they struggle to accept WHY?
Love in Christ